Investing in Italy, collaborating with Italian small and medium enterprises, creating a franchising…all this is now more simple with IBS ITALIA. We will able to follow all the aspects of your project, in partnership with STUDIO GAMBINO, in different areas, such as:

  • Data processing
  • Fiscal and legal advice (national and international tax planning, fiscal analysis of subscribed contracts)
  • Organization advice services (management problems solutions, long term business planning, marketing plans, business plans, economic analysis, export business advice services, budget analysis)
  • Business accounting & auditing,
  • Corporate governance and M&A advice,

Do you want to face the global challenge?
Do you want to go in a new market?
Do you want to internationalize your enterprise?

You are in the right place! IBS ITALIA can help you in many ways, following your projects, doing preliminary risks and opportunities analysis and so on. Fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

1.0 Your Company

1.1 Company Details
1.2 Company Contact

2.0 Market of interest

2.1 Markets in general
UE 27
Europe (other countries)
Gulf Countries (GCC)
Asia (except China)
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
Rest of the world
2.2 Specific markets
2.3 Foreign Partners
other partners

3.0 What can "IBS Italia" do for me?